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Assoc Prof Daniel Terry

Assoc Prof Daniel Terry
Name Daniel Terry
Pronoun He/Him/His
Position Associate Professor (Nursing)
Section School of Nursing and Midwifery
Office I322
Location Ipswich Campus
Phone +61 7 3812 6025
Extension 6025
Qualifications BNurs Tas , GCertIntHlth Curtin , GCRsch Tas , GCertUniTch Melb , MIntHlth Curtin , MBA Federation , PhD Tas
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Daniel has extensive post-doctoral research experience on rural health, rural workforce, and chronic-ill health. With a background in nursing, his research interest research interests encompass the overarching generalist theme of Rural Health. His research includes are rural health workforce that incorporates nursing student career trajectory, rural medical, nursing and pharmacy employment and profession longevity, while also examining workforce grit and improving workforce learning through communities of practice. In addition, he continues to examine ways to improve rural paediatric injury and paediatric asthma outcomes, while focusing on rural healthcare access and patient decision making in emergencies.

Daniel has a solid body of research well above world standard with over $1.3 million in research grants and publishing in excess of 100 publications. Daniel is currently leading research examining nursing student career trajectory and rural employment, while also working with international collaborators in the US to improve rural pharmacist recruitment and retention. He also works with other international colleagues examining and developing grit among undergraduate nursing students, while also examining self-efficacy, and communities of practice in the health workforce space.

Daniel has contributed to his community as a board director of the local rural hospital board, which included being an active participant of the clinical governance subcommittee, while also chair of the accreditation and medical consultative committees. Beyond these roles, he has contributed toward many other boards, committees, and sub-committees both inside and outside academia, while undertaking various roles including, but not limited to, academic integrity officer, undergraduate coordinator and post-graduate coordinator for nursing and health.

  • Nursing Workforce ( 420505 )
  • Nursing ( 420500 )
  • Community And Primary Care ( 420503 )
  • Workforce Planning ( 350506 )
  • Human Resources And Industrial Relations ( 350500 )
  • Rural And Remote Health Services ( 420321 )
  • Health Services And Systems ( 420300 )

Rural Health, Rural Health Workforce
Undergraduate nursing career trajectory
Communities of practice and Grit
Paediatric injury and asthma
Rural healthcare access and patient decision making in emergencies

  • Institute for Resilient Regions (IRR)

NUR3300 - Clinical Inquiry and Evidence Based Practice

Academic Integrity Officer