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Assoc Prof Andreas Helwig

Assoc Prof Andreas Helwig
Name Andreas Helwig
Position Associate Professor (Electro-Mechanical Engineering)
Section School of Engineering
Office Z447
Location Toowoomba Campus
Qualifications BEng USQ
The views expressed on staff homepages may not reflect the views of the University.

October 2022 - School of Engineering Postgraduate Program Director

Oct 2021 - Associate Professor Electro-Mechanical Engineering;

2021 - current: Discipline Leader Professional Practice (USQ HES SoCES and SoMEE);

Dec 2020 - Faculty of Health Engineering and Sciences LT&SS citation award;

Mid 2019-2020: Discipline Leader Electrical Engineering (USQ HES SoMEE);

2017 to present: Senior Lecturer Electro-Mechanical Engineering (USQ HES SoMEE);

2015-mid 2019: Engineering Practice Leader;

2014 - 2019: Engineering Practice Leader (USQ HES SoCES & SoMEE);

2014 - 2017: Lecturer Electro-Mechanical Engineering (USQ HES SoMEE);

2011 - 2013: Part-time Academic for USQ Faculty of Engineering and Surveying;

2004 - present: Financial Controller and C.O.O. Project Madagascar International Educational Aid and Development Program (and former C.E.O.);

1999 - 2008: Member, then Secretary, then Chair of Yukana Retirement Village Business Management Committee;

1996 - current: Director and Principal Engineer of I H S & Helwig Engineering Consultants Pty Ltd;

1989 - 1996: Electrical Engineer Rollingstock Maintenance: Queensland Rail Workshops Group and Corporate Services Rollingstock Engineering Group;

1979 - 1988: Professional Electrical Engineer for Queensland Rail;

1974 - 1979: Queensland Rail Engineering Cadet

  • Power and Energy Systems Engineering (excl. Renewable Power) ( 090607 )
  • Engineering ( 090000 )
  • Renewable Power and Energy Systems Engineering (excl. Solar Cells) ( 090608 )
  • Electrical Energy Generation (incl. Renewables ( 400803 )
  • Other Engineering ( 409900 )
  • Electrical Engineering ( 400800 )

Sustainable Energy Systems and modelling/optimisation
Energy Storage development and modelling
Sintered and hybrid sintered MMC materials
Food Waste Resource Recover Valorisation (member of USQ RPT group)
Industrial No-Waste Transformation (Member of RPT)
Waste Plastic Valorisation
Engineering systems for black soldier fly, silkworms and bees insect production outcomes.
Axial Flux Electrical Machines
Railway traction engineering
Electrical insulation system development
Industrial carbon / biochar / pyrolysis / hydro pyrolysis
Reliability Engineering
Multi-lingual education
Professional engineering practice

Engineers Australia
- FIEAUST, Exec.Eng.
- CPEng (Areas of Practice: Leaders & Management; Electrical Engineering)
- APEC Eng (Areas of Practice: Leaders & Management; Electrical Engineering)
Registered Professional Engineer Queensland (Electrical Engineering)

Member of Engineers Australia National Articulation Committee
USQ Institute of Advanced Engineering and Space Sciences
USQ Centre for Future Materials

  • Centre for Future Materials (CFM)
  • Institute for Advanced Engineering and Space Sciences (IAESS)

ENG5002 Professional Skills for Australian Engineering Workplace
ENG8300 Self-assessment Portfolio (MEPR Program) Examiner and Facilitator
ENG8311 Workplace Portfolio (MEPR) Moderator and Course Developer
ENG8308 Industry Project (MEPR) Examiner and Project Supervisor for > 100 applied industrial research project
ENG8411/12 Masters Research Projects A & B, Project Supervisor
ENG4111/12 Honours Research Project A & B, Project Supervisor
ENG4903 Professional Practice 2 Examiner
ENG3902 Professional Practice 1 Examiner
ELE3904 Electrical Practice D (former examiner) Moderator
ENG2111 Associate Engineer Design Project (Moderator and Electrical Projects Development)
ENG3300 Industry Experience Evaluation Portfolio

11 Years

25 Years

School of Engineering Postgraduate Program Director (2022 - current)
Member of MENS Steering Committee for program redevelopment (2020 - 2022)
Member of Schools of Engineering Engineers Australia 2019 Program Accreditation Committee
Former Discipline Leader Electrical Engineering (mid 2019-2020)
SoMEE Senior Executive Committee Member (2015 - current)
Former Engineering Practice Leader (2015 - mid 2019)
Former SoMEE SEAG Committee Member
Engineers Australia National Articulation Committee Member (2017 - current)

  • Power and Energy Systems Engineering (excl. Renewable Power) ( 090607 )
  • Renewable Power and Energy Systems Engineering (excl. Solar Cells) ( 090608 )
  • Electrical Energy Generation (incl. Renewables ( 400803 )
  • Other Engineering ( 409900 )
  • Electrical Engineering ( 400800 )