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Dr Anup Shrestha

Dr Anup Shrestha
Name Anup Shrestha
Pronoun He/Him/His
Position Senior Lecturer (Information Systems)
Section School of Business
Office T267
Location Toowoomba Campus
Phone +61 7 4631 1194
Extension 1194
Qualifications BCompInfoSys Pokhara , MIT USQ , PhD USQ
Languages Nepali (accredited translator)
The views expressed on staff homepages may not reflect the views of the University.

Anup joined the University of Southern Queensland (USQ) in 2015. He completed his PhD as part of the Australian Research Council (ARC) Industry Linkage project working with ICT practitioners and academics from USQ and Griffith University in Queensland, Australia. His doctoral dissertation reported the development and evaluation of a software-mediated process assessment approach in IT Service Management. This PhD was awarded the best Australian thesis in Information Systems by the ACPHIS (Australian Council of Professors and Heads of Information Systems) in 2016. His research was also recognized by the IT industry by winning the iAwards Queensland IT innovation winner in 2015.

Anup’s publications have appeared in highly ranked academic journals such as Information & Management (ABDC A*), International Journal of Information Management (ABDC A*), Government Information Quarterly, Computer Standards & Interfaces and many others. His publication represents his breadth of interdisciplinary research coverage in the areas of Information Systems, Computer Science and Knowledge Management.

Anup is currently serving as the Standards Australia national representative for the development and review of ISO/IEC JTC1/SC7 standards of software engineering.

Anup’s research focuses on the area of IT service management, IT standards, cloud computing and knowledge management systems.

Prior to academia, Anup has worked in the IT industry for 8 years where his experience spans from Systems Developer to IT Project Manager.

  • Information Systems Management ( 080609 )
  • Information Systems ( 080600 )
  • Software Engineering ( 080309 )
  • Business Information Systems ( 150302 )
  • Business Information Systems ( 350303 )
  • Information Systems ( 460900 )
  • Information Systems Organisation And Management ( 460908 )
  • Software Engineering ( 461200 )
  • Business Systems In Context ( 350300 )
  • Knowledge And Information Management ( 460912 )
  • Software Quality ( 461207 )

Enterprise Service Management, Knowledge Management, Digital Technology Adoption, Digital Transformation, Innovation

Certified Professional Member of the Australian Computer Society (MACS CP)

Member of the IT Service Management Forum (itSMF) Australia
Member of the Golden Key International Honour Society
Member of the Australian Web Industry Association

  • Institute for Resilient Regions (IRR)
  • Rural Economies Centre of Excellence (RECE)

CIS2015 Enterprise Service Management
CIS6100 Leadership in Digital Services
CIS3009 Enterprise Systems in Practice

16 Years

Employability Leader (School of Business)

  • Information Systems Management ( 080609 )
  • Software Engineering ( 080309 )
  • Business Information Systems ( 150302 )
  • Business Information Systems ( 350303 )
  • Information Systems ( 460900 )
  • Information Systems Organisation And Management ( 460908 )
  • Software Engineering ( 461200 )
  • Business Systems In Context ( 350300 )
  • Knowledge And Information Management ( 460912 )
  • Software Quality ( 461207 )