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Mr Christopher Smith

Name Christopher Smith
Position Casual Employment
Section Academic Affairs Administration
Office A302
Location Toowoomba Campus
Phone +61 7 3470 4556
Extension 4556
Qualifications GCertAvnMgt Griffith , MAvnMgt Griffith

Senior Airline Manager, Founder Staff On Side Corporate Culture, Airline Check Captain, Lecturer, Counsellor, Trust Ambassador

Some career roles include:

 Flight Operations Manager and Chief Pilot, Alliance Airlines

 Head of Standards, Alliance Airlines and Wagners Aviation

 Flight Operations Development Manager, Jetstar Airways,

 Airbus program liaison manager – Boeing and CAE (Malaysia), Jetstar Airways Australia, New Zealand and Jetstar Japan

 Senior Check Captain for over 20 years – A320, Boeing 727, Fokker 100, Falcon 10 - with full endorsement approval.

 CASA approved Test Pilot – Fokker 100

 Aircraft types include – B787, A330, A320, Fokker 100, Boeing 727, Boeing 737, Fokker F27, Dassault Falcon 10 corporate jet

 Operates his own aviation consultancy establishing airlines, and has introduced jet aircraft on to the Australian and PNG registers

He consults to companies in Australia, New Zealand, PNG, Singapore, Japan, Vietnam, Ireland, Germany and France – for the aviation industry as well as major transport and legal firms

Chris now dedicates much of his time to establishing Corporate Culture and Leadership programs incorporating mental health, with a particular focus on staff engagement, manager - staff relations and conflict prevention, as well as lecturing, and building his podcast, ‘Aviationale, and Other Matters’.

He is a regular corporate speaker on the conference circuit here and overseas.

He currently also holds an Ambassadorial Role for the ‘Trust’ Peer Support Program across Australia and Asia.

In 2012, he was awarded the Master Air Pilot Certificate by the Guild of Air Pilots and Navigators, London, for services to the aviation industry.

He holds a Master’s Degree in Aviation Management and a Diploma of Counselling

He lives in Brisbane, Australia.

Aviation Mental Health and associated Peer Support Programs

Australian and International Pilots Association
The Honourable Company of Air Pilots
Australian Aviation Psychology Association

AVN1108 Flight Laboratory
AVN3110 Aviation Security Management

2 Years

20 Years

A320 and B737 simulator and instructor management; Simulator Program design