Mr Emerson Zerafa-Payne
Name | Emerson Zerafa-Payne |
Pronoun | He/Him/His |
Position | Lecturer (First Nations Studies) |
Section | School of Education |
Office | A103 |
Location | Springfield Campus |
Phone | +61 7 3470 4023 |
Extension | 4023 |
Qualifications | BSecEd Griffith , GCertPolicyAnlys Griffith , MEd Griffith |
Education Policy
( 390200)
Education Policy
( 390201)
( 390406)
Specialist Studies In Education
( 390400)
Aboriginal And Torres Strait Islander Education
( 450200)
Aboriginal And Torres Strait Islander Education not elsewhere classified
( 450299)
Queensland College of Teachers
Queensland Teachers Union
National Tertiary Education Union
EDC2200 First Nations Education
IPP7005 Walking the walk: applying tertiary skills
IPP7006 Academic conventions and Indigenous research methodologies
IPP7007 Exploring the way - your UniSQ journey
2 Years
7 Years
IHEPP Coordinator
EDC2200 Course Examiner