Mrs Georgina Sheridan
Name | Georgina Sheridan |
Position | Lecturer (Nursing) |
Section | School of Nursing and Midwifery |
Office | I407 |
Location | Ipswich Campus |
Qualifications | BNurs Griffith , GCertCCNurs Griffith , MScRsch USQ |
Georgie has been employed as an Associate Lecturer in Nursing at University of Southern Queensland since 2019.
Georgie completed her Diploma of Nursing in 2007 and worked as an EN while completing her Bachelor of Nursing in 2010. She gained a graduate RN position in an emergency department, where she learnt a variety of skills ranging from acute care, palliative, paediatric and critical care. In 2014 she was offered secondment to an Intensive Care Unit (ICU), with the objective to improve and gain confidence in caring for ventilated patients. While in ICU, Georgie found a passion for critical care and was given the opportunity to transfer permanently.
In 2018, Georgie was given the opportunity to participate in a secondment to a rural district within Queensland Health as a Nurse Facilitator / Educator for the Graduate Nurses program. She had the opportunity to develop training programs and activities for the graduate RN as well as support current clinical staff. It was from this experience that Georgie developed a passion for education.
Currently, Georgie is enrolled in her Masters of Research (applied science) and works clinical shifts on a casual base as a RN in ED and ICU to maintain her clinical practice.
Incorporating technology into academic programs.
Transitioning from student to clinical environment.
2020 - NUR1100 - Introduction to Nursing Praxis, NUR1299 - Foundations of Nursing Practice, NUR2000 - Medications Management, NUR2012B - Chronic Care Across the Lifespan B.
2019 - NUR1299 - Foundations of Nursing Practice, NUR2204 - Acute Care Across the Lifespan B
1 Years