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Assoc Prof Guangnan Chen

Assoc Prof Guangnan Chen
Name Guangnan Chen
Position Associate Professor (Agricultural Engineering)
Section School of Agriculture and Environmental Science
Office T343
Location Toowoomba Campus
Phone +61 7 4631 2518
Extension 2518
Qualifications PhD Sydney
The views expressed on staff homepages may not reflect the views of the University.

  • Sustainable Agricultural Development ( 070108 )
  • Engineering ( 090000 )
  • Sustainable Agricultural Development ( 300210 )
  • Other Engineering ( 409900 )
  • Agriculture ( 300200 )

I have published three edited books by CRC Press, Taylor & Francis Books in 2014, 2017, and 2018. I have further published my fourth edited book with MDPI in 2021. I am also the Principal Investigator/Chief Investigator for the following externally funded research projects in the last few years:
* Optimising Floating Solar Covers for Evaporation Mitigation. Water and energy are often the two limiting factors in agricultural production. The floating photovoltaic systems have the unique advantages that it can reduce both on-farm water storage evaporation while producing energy. This project will evaluate the PV system design and also the technology for converting excess renewable energy into green hydrogen and green ammonia for on-farm applications (funded by Cotton Research and Development Corporation, 2024)
* Compositions and impact of waste effluent and bio-fertilisers generated from recirculating aquaculture systems (Industry funded PhD student stipend scholarship, 2022)
* Development of farm energy factsheets (funded by NSW DPI, 2021).
* Updating a Greenhouse Gas Emissions Calculator (funded by Queensland Murray-Darling Committee, 2015)
* Benchmarking Energy Use on Farm (funded by RIRDC/AgriFutures, 2014)
* Conference travel grant to attend the 2013 ALCAS Conference (funded by Cotton Research & Development Corporation, 2013)
* Developing a LCI database for Australian agriculture (funded by CSIRO/RIRDC, 2011-2013)
* The Feasibility and Development of Alternate Energy Sources for the Australian Cotton Industry (funded by Cotton Research and Development Corporation, 2011-2014)
* A Protocol for Assessing On-farm Energy Use and Associated Greenhouse Gas Emissions (funded by Cotton Research and Development Corporation, 2010-2012)
* Supervision and Technical Support for a PhD research project at Queensland University of Technology (grant provided by QUT to USQ, 2010-1011)
* Renewable Energy Resources for Nursery Production (funded by Nursery and Garden Industry Australia, 2010)
* Evaluation of Opportunities of Energy Saving in Cotton Ginning Process (funded by Cotton Research and Development Corporation, 2008-2010)
* Reducing Energy Uses and Greenhouse Gas Emissions from Intensive Agriculture in Queensland (funded by Queensland Farmers Federation, 2008)
* Reducing Energy Uses in Cotton - Development of EnergyCalc to Assess On-Farm Energy Uses (funded by Cotton Research and Development Corporation, 2007)
* Simulation and Optimisation of Crop (Grain) Harvesting and Drying Systems (funded by Queensland Department of Primary Industries and Fisheries, 2006)

* Vice-Chair, Board of Technical Section IV (Energy in Agriculture), CIGR (Commission Internationale du Génie Rural, or International Commission of Agricultural and Biosystems Engineering)
* Member, National Executive Committee, Australian Society for Engineering in Agriculture (SEAg), Institution of Engineers, Australia
* Member of Editorial Board, Foods Journal (Impact Factor 5.56).
* Member of Editorial Board, International Journal of Agricultural & Biological Engineering (IJABE)
* Guest Editor (Bundschuh, J., Chen, G., Yusaf, T., Chen, S., Yan, J.), Special Issue on Sustainable Energy and Climate Protection Solutions, Applied Energy, Volume 114, February, 2014 (Impact Factor 5.1).
* Guest Editor, Special agricultural engineering issues, Australian Journal of Multi-disciplinary Engineering (2009, 2011)
* Invited Keynote Speaker, 2nd International Conference on Environmental Science and Engineering [ESE-2017], July 14-16, 2017, Xiamen, China
* Invited Keynote Speaker, International Conference on New Technology of Agricultural Engineering (ICAE2011), May 27-29, 2011, Zibo, Shandong, China.

  • Centre for Agricultural Engineering (CAE)

• AGR2302 Agricultural Machinery
• AGR2902 Agricultural Field Practice
• AGR3303 Agricultural Materials and Post-Harvest Technologies
• AGR3305 Precision and Smart Technologies in Agriculture
• AGR3905 Agricultural Engineering Practice
• AGR4305 Agricultural Soil Mechanics
• AGR8002 Emerging Technologies in Agriculture
• AGC1201 Agricultural Engineering Foundation A
• AGC1202 Agricultural Engineering Foundation B
• ENG2909 Work Experience (Associate)
• ENG2102 Engineering Problem Solving and Analysis
• ENG4104 Engineering Problem Solving Simulations
• ENG4110 Engineering Research Methodology
• CIV1501 Engineering Statics
• MEC2402 Stress Analysis

25 Years

6 Years

* Discipline Leader (Agricultural and Environmental Engineering) (2021-2021)
* Acting Head of Discipline and Acting Deputy Head of Discipline of Agricultural, Civil and Environmental Engineering (August 2010 to January 2011)
* Member, Faculty Board (Faculty of Engineering and Surveying) (2007-2011)
* Member, Faculty Marketing Committee (since 2007)
* Associate Head/Program Coordinator/Major Convenor, Agricultural, Civil and Environmental Engineering (since 2005)
* Member, Faculty Staff Workload Committee (2005)
* Academic Integrity Officer

  • Sustainable Agricultural Development ( 070108 )
  • Sustainable Agricultural Development ( 300210 )
  • Other Engineering ( 409900 )
  • Agriculture ( 300200 )