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Assoc Prof Janet McDonald

Assoc Prof Janet McDonald
Name Janet McDonald
Position Associate Professor (Theatre Studies)
Section School of Creative Arts
Office External
Location Toowoomba Campus
Phone +61 7 4631 1232
Extension 1232
Qualifications DipT BrisbaneCAE , BA QUT , MA QUT , PhD Arizona SU

Associate Professor Janet McDonald received her PhD from Arizona State University in 1999. She was a high school drama teacher from 1987-1995, and continues to work on theatre/drama projects with young people of all abilities. She is currently the Theatre Discipline Convenor in the School of Creative Arts at USQ.

McDonald was Head of the School of Creative Arts (2008-2013) at USQ, and her work in enabling young people in the arts continued through her role as Chair of Youth Arts Queensland (2008-2012), the State’s former peak body for youth arts. She served as the USQ Representative on the Flying Arts Alliance Management Committee (2008-2012), she currently sits on the Friends of Cobb&Co Museum Group. McDonald regularly assists Arts Queensland in assessing a wide variety of grants for use in enhancing the arts and communities of regional Queenslanders. She is co-recipient of an Australian Learning and Teaching Council Citation for Outstanding Contribution to Student Learning (2009) and sits on the Board of Fellows of King’s College, UQ St Lucia, Brisbane.

She is an ongoing avid and ardent member of the Women of the Pride and the Brisbane Lions (BBFFC) AFL Club.

  • Performing Arts and Creative Writing not elsewhere classified ( 190499 )
  • Performing Arts not elsewhere classified ( 360499 )
  • Creative And Professional Writing not elsewhere classified ( 360299 )
  • Performing Arts ( 360400 )
  • Creative And Professional Writing ( 360200 )

Gender construction and performance in actor-training
Regional youth and arts sustainability: community cultural development
Wellbeing and resilience through the arts
Landscapes of Practice in arts learning
Reflexive and reflective practice in theatre training

Arts Council Toowoomba
Arts Queensland (grant assessor)
Friends of Cobb&Co
Fellow of King's College, St Lucia

  • Institute for Resilient Regions (IRR)

THE1000 Introduction to Creative Practice
THE1002 Intro to History and Theory of Drama 2
THE2003 Children's and Young People's Theatre
THE2008 Modern Theatre and Drama
THE8002 The Body: Representation and Imposition
BCA3000 BCA Project A
BCA8000 Aesthetic Dimensions

21 Years

7 Years

Theatre Discipline Convenor, School of Creative Arts (2020 - )
Head of School, Creative Arts (2008-2013)
School Discipline Coordinator - Creative Arts (2013 - 2018)
Associate Academic Performance Supervisor (2015-2018)
Chair, Youth Arts Queensland (2008-2012)
Chair, RAYGUN (2013-2016)
President. Arts Council, Toowoomba (2017 - 2020)

  • Performing Arts and Creative Writing not elsewhere classified ( 190499 )
  • Performing Arts not elsewhere classified ( 360499 )
  • Creative And Professional Writing not elsewhere classified ( 360299 )
  • Performing Arts ( 360400 )
  • Creative And Professional Writing ( 360200 )