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Mr Kabir Ahmad

Name Kabir Ahmad
Position Casual Employment
Section School of Mathematics, Physics and Computing
Location Toowoomba Campus
Qualifications BSc Jahangirnagar , MSc Jahangirnagar , PhD USQ
Languages Bengali (accredited translator)
English (accredited translator)

  • Epidemiological Methods ( 420204 )
  • Time-Series Analysis ( 380205 )
  • Large And Complex Data Theory ( 490505 )
  • Econometric And Statistical Methods ( 380202 )
  • Disease Surveillance ( 420202 )
  • Nutritional Epidemiology ( 420208 )
  • Epidemiological Modelling ( 420205 )
  • Econometrics ( 380200 )
  • Time Series And Spatial Modelling ( 490511 )
  • Probability Theory ( 490506 )
  • Econometrics not elsewhere classified ( 380299 )
  • Biostatistics ( 490502 )
  • Epidemiology not elsewhere classified ( 420299 )
  • Epidemiology ( 420200 )
  • Cross-Sectional Analysis ( 380201 )
  • Panel Data Analysis ( 380204 )
  • Statistics ( 490500 )
  • Behavioural Epidemiology ( 420201 )
  • Major Global Burdens Of Disease ( 420207 )
  • Statistics not elsewhere classified ( 490599 )