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Assoc Prof Kelly McWilliam

Assoc Prof Kelly McWilliam
Name Kelly McWilliam
Pronoun She/Her/Hers
Position Associate Professor (Communication and Media)
Section School of Humanities and Communication
Office A437
Location Springfield Campus
Phone +61 7 3470 4606
Extension 4606
Qualifications BA(Hons) Griffith , GCertArts Qld , PhD Qld
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Dr Kelly McWilliam is an Associate Professor at the University of Southern Queensland and a Past President of the Cultural Studies Association of Australasia. Her research focuses on contemporary screen media with emphases in Australian, queer, and genre cinemas, as well as screen media impact more broadly. Kelly's most recent books are Australian Genre Film (with Mark David Ryan, Routledge, 2021) and Ana Kokkinos: An Oeuvre of Outsiders (Edinburgh University Press, 2019). Her previous books include Screen Media: Analysing Film and Television (with Jane Stadler, Allen and Unwin, 2009) and Story Circle: Digital Storytelling Around the World (with John Hartley, Blackwell, 2009). Kelly has also completed work on two ARC Linkage Projects worth more than $400,000; is a past member of the ARC Cultural Network; and a past winner of the USQ Research Excellence Award for Early Career Researchers. Kelly is a Senior Fellow (SFHEA) of the Higher Education Academy, a LIFT Mentor, and an Associate Fellow of the Higher Education Research and Development Society of Australasia (HERDSA). She is also a member of the Editorial Board of New Cinemas and the International Advisory Board of Hypatia.

  • Communication and Media Studies ( 200100 )
  • Cultural Studies ( 200200 )
  • Screen and Media Culture ( 200212 )
  • Cinema Studies ( 190201 )
  • Film, Television and Digital Media ( 190200 )
  • Culture, Gender, Sexuality ( 200205 )
  • Cultural Studies ( 470200 )
  • Gender ( 390406 )
  • Screen And Media Culture ( 470214 )
  • Cinema Studies ( 360501 )
  • Screen And Digital Media ( 360500 )
  • Specialist Studies In Education ( 390400 )

film and media; genre; gender, sexuality, and media; Australian screen media and cultures; queer screen media and cultures; media, wellbeing, and mental health; popular culture

Senior Fellow (SFHEA) Higher Education Academy
Associate Fellow, Higher Education Research and Development Society of Australasia
Past President, Cultural Studies Association of Australasia (
Member, Screen Studies Association of Australia and New Zealand
Member, Society of Cinema and Media Studies
Former Member, ARC Cultural Research Network (

Member, Australia Academy of Cinema and Television Arts (AACTA)
Member, ACMI and Metro

  • Institute for Resilient Regions (IRR)
  • Centre for Heritage and Culture (CHC)

MSD1000 Understanding Media
MSD1502 Australian Media Industries
MSD2000 Digital Media Fundamentals
MSD2500 Reading Film: Hollywood
MSD2550 Television and Streaming Platforms
MSD3502 Games and Gaming Cultures

10 Years

Academic Team Leader/PPR Supervisor
Lift Mentor
Promotion Mentor
USQ Ally

  • Screen and Media Culture ( 200212 )
  • Cinema Studies ( 190201 )
  • Culture, Gender, Sexuality ( 200205 )
  • Cultural Studies ( 470200 )
  • Gender ( 390406 )
  • Screen And Media Culture ( 470214 )
  • Cinema Studies ( 360501 )
  • Screen And Digital Media ( 360500 )
  • Specialist Studies In Education ( 390400 )