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Mr Michael Howard

Name Michael Howard
Position Career Development Curriculum Designer
Section Support for Learning
Location Ipswich Campus
Phone +61738126413
Extension 6413
Qualifications BAppComp Tas , BA Qld , GCertUL&T Griffith , GDip SpatialScTech USQ , GCertDataAnalyticsCybSecurity Griffith , GC Data Science USQ , MProjMgt USQ , MEdSt Federation
The views expressed on staff homepages may not reflect the views of the University.

FHEA | MACS Snr CP | MPM UniSQ | MEdStud FedUni | GradDipSpScTech (GIS) UniSQ | GradCertDataSci UniSQ | GCertDataAnalyticsCybSecurity Griff | GCertUnivLearnTeach Griff | BA (Sociology) UQ | BAppComp UTAS

Fellow of the Higher Education Academy, Member of The Australian Sociological Association, Senior Member of the Australian Computer Society, and ACS Certified Professional