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Dr Noel Knight

Dr Noel Knight
Name Noel Knight
Position Senior Research Fellow
Section Institute for Life Sciences and the Environment (Research)
Office P22-107
Location Toowoomba Campus
Qualifications BBioSc USQ , BSc(Hons) USQ , PhD USQ

Twitter - @fungoel

ResearchGate -

  • Crop and Pasture Protection (Pests, Diseases and Weeds) ( 070308 )
  • Crop And Pasture Protection (incl. Pests ( 300409 )
  • Crop And Pasture Production ( 300400 )

In science, for just a moment, you can be the only person in history to know a particular piece of information. Discovering that information is a constant challenge, but deciphering it’s meaning and potential impact is exceedingly rewarding. We get to be explorers, uncovering new regions and pushing the boundaries of human knowledge. With this knowledge we aim to improve our world as a whole.

In plant pathology our particular aims are to improve plant health and yields, reduce chemical application requirements, increase cropping efficiency and produce more food from less land. Each of us plays a small but pivotal role in achieving this goal, which will lead us into a brighter future.

Plant pathology, allele-specific PCR, quantitative PCR, digital PCR, population genetics, fungicide resistance management, barley, mung bean

Australasian Plant Pathology Society

  • Centre for Crop Health (CCH)

  • Crop and Pasture Protection (Pests, Diseases and Weeds) ( 070308 )
  • Crop And Pasture Protection (incl. Pests ( 300409 )
  • Crop And Pasture Production ( 300400 )