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Dr Ranga Chimhundu

Dr Ranga Chimhundu
Name Ranga Chimhundu
Position Senior Lecturer (Marketing)
Section School of Business
Office T252
Location Toowoomba Campus
Phone +61 7 4687 5759
Extension 5759
Qualifications BBus(Hons) Zimbabwe , PGDipMarketing ChInstMrkt , MBA Zimbabwe , MCom Otago , PhD Otago
The views expressed on staff homepages may not reflect the views of the University.

Dr Ranga Chimhundu is a Senior Lecturer in Marketing at the University of Southern Queensland in Australia. He completed a PhD in Marketing at the University of Otago after winning a competitive PhD scholarship. Ranga has over 45 publications that include two books, twenty-three refereed journal articles, six book chapters, thirteen conference items, two higher degree by research theses, and industry-based case studies. Ranga has supervised several PhD candidates to completion as the Principal Supervisor, and is currently supervising a number of PhD candidates as the Principal Supervisor. Ranga has reviewed many journal manuscripts for reputable, refereed marketing/business journals, has done book reviews, and is on the editorial boards of four high-profile marketing/business journals that include two high-ranking journals. In the past few years, Ranga has chaired PhD Confirmation of Candidature (CoC) panels and has examined several PhD theses for universities in Australia and other countries.

  • Business and Management ( 150300 )
  • Marketing ( 150500 )
  • Marketing ( 350600 )
  • Marketing Communications ( 350604 )
  • Marketing Research Methodology ( 350606 )
  • Marketing not elsewhere classified ( 350699 )
  • Consumer Behaviour ( 350601 )
  • Consumer-Oriented Product Or Service Development ( 350602 )
  • Marketing Management (incl. Strategy And Customer Relations) ( 350605 )

Please see 'Homepage' above for my research profile, including list of my publications.

FMCG marketing; product and brand management; private label brands; sustainable marketing practices; grocery retailing; marketing management; marketing strategy.

Award for excellence in publishing a single-authored, refereed research book titled “Marketing Food Brands: Private Label versus Manufacturer Brands in the Consumer Goods Industry” with Palgrave Macmillan (University of Southern Queensland, School of Management and Enterprise Awards 2019) [Award presented by the VC].

Awarded a competitive PhD Scholarship by the University of Otago, School of Business, Department of Marketing (2005).

Eleven (11) completions as of 31 October 2024, Dr Ranga Chimhundu as the Principal Supervisor for ten of the eleven, and as Associate Supervisor for one of the eleven.

Australia and New Zealand Marketing Academy
European Marketing Academy
Chartered Institute of Marketing

Chartered Marketer (Chartered Institute of Marketing, UK)

  • Institute for Resilient Regions (IRR)

MKT3007: Marketing Strategy
MKT5000: Marketing Management
MKT2001: Integrated Marketing Communications


Recognition on 26 August 2020 by the Faculty of Business, Education, Law and Arts, for 'the very positive rating of your courses' in MyOpinion.

University of Southern Queensland 10-year long service award: Awarded 19 November 2019 by the VC.

Received a teaching excellence award and a research excellence award (in the main awards category presented by the VC), as well as one award in the other awards category at the University of Southern Queensland, School of Management and Enterprise Awards 2019.

Received two teaching excellence awards (main awards presented by the VC) and three awards in the other awards category at the University of Southern Queensland, School of Management and Enterprise Awards 2018.

Received three teaching excellence awards at the University of Southern Queensland, School of Management and Enterprise Awards 2017.

Course Coordinator

Academic Promotion Mentor (2018 to 2023)

Academic Discipline Leader (Marketing), May 2020 - April 2022.

Member of the School of Business Executive, May 2020 - April 2022.

Coordinator for external professional accreditation and re-accreditation with the Australian Marketing Institute (AMI), 2016 - 2023.

  • Business and Management ( 150300 )
  • Marketing ( 150500 )
  • Marketing ( 350600 )
  • Marketing Communications ( 350604 )
  • Marketing Research Methodology ( 350606 )
  • Marketing not elsewhere classified ( 350699 )
  • Consumer Behaviour ( 350601 )
  • Consumer-Oriented Product Or Service Development ( 350602 )
  • Marketing Management (incl. Strategy And Customer Relations) ( 350605 )