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Mrs Skye Playsted

Name Skye Playsted
Position Casual Employment
Section School of Education
Location Toowoomba Campus
Qualifications BA Qld , PGDipEd Qld , MEd Wollongong
Languages German (non accredited translator)
The views expressed on staff homepages may not reflect the views of the University.

I am an educator with over 20 years of teaching experience. I have taught in primary and high schools, worked as an academic English language teacher and taught in federally-funded adult migrant English teaching programs. I currently teach at the University of Queensland and the University of Southern Queensland, Australia. I have also worked with some wonderful volunteer English teachers and assistants at a community-based refugee support organisation. I am inspired every week by the people I work with, both students and teachers. Teaching is a giving job, and this is evident in the work that community volunteer groups do, and have done for many years.

My doctoral research is exploring professional learning about the teaching of English pronunciation with teachers in the adult migrant English program . I regularly deliver teacher professional development and research seminars, and am involved in facilitating meetings for postgraduate student and early career researcher communities of practice. Additionally, I write, review and edit pedagogical papers, and work casually as a university academic tutor, course design and research assistant. And I still enjoy the great privilege of being offered opportunities to teach casually in school and community classrooms! As a researcher and teacher educator, I believe my strengths lie in my ability to draw on a broad range of teaching experiences across different sectors of education, and in my ability to network and collaborate effectively with academics nationally and internationally.

Pronunciation teaching in English language teaching
Music and English language teaching
Culturally relevant teaching
Dialogic teaching
Refugee and asylum seeker educational pathways in Australia

Queensland College of Teachers (Registered Teacher), Literacy Education and Second Language Learning for Adults, Applied Linguistics Association of Australia, Queensland TESOL Association (QATESOL), Refugee Education Special Interest Group, Japan Association of Language Teachers (JALT) Mind Brain Education SIG.

EPA3200 Arts curriculum and pedagogy 2
EDM8009 Humanities and the Arts Curriculum and Pedagogy
EAP7330 Academic Speaking and Listening Skills

4 Years

26 Years

Casual Teaching Assistant (2020-2021)
English Language Teacher (2018-2019)