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Mr Taz Clifford

Mr Taz Clifford
Name Taz Clifford
Pronoun He/Him/His
Position Casual Employment
Section Support for Learning
Office Q222
Location Toowoomba Campus
Phone +61 7 4631 1173
Extension 1173
Qualifications DipArts USQ , BSc USQ

Taz first came to study at UniSQ in 2002. He has obtained an Associates degree in General Studies in Chinese (Mandarin), International Relations and Plant Science, A Bachelor of Science (Psychology Extended) and is Currently working on a Master of Research (Psychology Specialisation) with the research component being in cognitive neuroscience using EEG. In addition to research and study, Taz is proactive in advocacy and performs locally in various productions and events.

Transgender issues and marginality, perception, emotional processing, neural networks, EEG, EEG/VR

Australasian Cognitive Neuroscience Society (ACNS)
Australian Psychological Society (APS)