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Dr Tony Fallon

Dr Tony Fallon
Name Tony Fallon
Position Adjunct Research Fellow
Section Centre for Health Research (Research)
Qualifications BAppSc USQ , BAppSc(Hons) USQ , PhD USQ

Tony has an Honours degree in Applied Science (Applied Psychology) and was one of the first group of students to be awarded a PhD at the University of Southern Queensland, studying the role that long-term memory processes play in short-term working memory. He has worked as a Lecturer at Northern Territory University and USQ, and developed an expertise in research methods and quantitative data analysis.

He was recruited as a Research Fellow by the Centre for Rural and Remote Area Health at the University of Southern Queensland as a resident expert in research methods and quantitative data analysis. While in this position, he contributed to many different research projects, including the evaluation of the Toowoomba Infant Feeding Support Project and the National Survey of Nurse Attitudes to Information Technology. He also supervised a number of postgraduate students and has considerable experience in the analysis of qualitative data. He was then recruited by the University of Sydney to be the Senior Research Fellow on a project looking at the acceptability of participatory network analysis in Aboriginal Health Service settings.

Tony has over 50 peer-reviewed publications, and has presented papers at a number of international conferences. He was a member of the editorial review panel of a number of academic journals, including Breastfeeding Review and the International Journal of Human Lactation, and was trained as a systematic reviewer for the Joanna Briggs Institute. After spending some time as a full-time carer for a family member, Tony has returned to USQ as Course Examiner for PSY4040 - Psychological Interventions.

  • Aged Health Care ( 111702 )
  • Psychology and Cognitive Sciences ( 170000 )
  • Public Health and Health Services ( 111700 )
  • Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Health ( 111701 )
  • Aged Health Care ( 420301 )
  • Cognitive And Computational Psychology ( 520400 )
  • Health Services And Systems ( 420300 )

Short-term memory, determinants of breastfeeding behaviour, positive psychology, evidence-based practice, health service research.

Research Associate - Australian Centre for Rural and Remote Evidence-Based Practice
Member - Editorial Review Panel of Breastfeeding Review

Fully registered psychologist - Psychologist's Registration Board of Queensland

  • Aged Health Care ( 111702 )
  • Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Health ( 111701 )
  • Aged Health Care ( 420301 )
  • Cognitive And Computational Psychology ( 520400 )
  • Health Services And Systems ( 420300 )