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Centre for Applied Climate Sciences (Research)

Position Name
Associate Professor (Climate and Agricultural Systems Modelling) Assoc Prof David Cobon
Senior Research Fellow (Climate Prediction) Dr Timothy Cowan
Senior Research Fellow (Atmospheric Science) Dr Sally Lavender
Senior Research Fellow (Climate Science and Applications) Dr Andrew Marshall
Senior Research Fellow (Agricultural Climate Risk Management) Dr Thong Nguyen-Huy
Research Fellow (Climate Extremes and Adaptation) Ms Rachel Taylor
Web Developer (Climate Applications) Mr Sabin Maharjan
Research Fellow (Climate Resilient Landscapes) Dr Thanh Mai
Research Fellow (Agricultural Climate Research and Applications) Dr Rajashree Naha
Research Fellow (Agribusiness) Dr Vivekananda Mittahalli Byrareddy
Project Officer (Climate) Miss Elsie Dodd
Project Officer (Climate) Mrs Emily Hinds
Project Officer (Climate) Ms Anne Marie Huey
Senior Scientist Mr Torben Marcussen
Project Officer (Climate) Mrs Vicki Mayne
Project Officer (Climate) Mrs Alys McKeough
Project Officer (Climate) Mr John McLaughlin
Research Fellow (Agricultural Engineering) Mrs Jo Owens
Adjunct Associate Professor Assoc Prof Gordon Stone
Project Officer (Climate) Ms Maree Tulley
Casual Employment Ms Thuy Nguyen
Casual Employment Mr Joshua Velez